Can Pets Get Head Lice?

Many parents worry about their children getting lice. After all, treating lice can be a bit inconvenient and time consuming. Additionally, many people simply don’t know a lot about lice. This leads to several questions. One question is whether you can get lice from pets. Let’s look. Before determining if you can get lice from…

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Can African Get Head Lice?

Can African Americans Get Head Lice? It has long been a myth that African Americans and those with similar hair textures can not get head lice. Unfortunately, this isn’t true. Those with natural hair can still get head lice the same as any other hair type. Let’s talk more about how African Americans can get…

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What Happens When You Leave Lice Untreated

What Happens When You Leave Lice Untreated? Most of us can’t imagine having lice any longer than it takes to treat, but we’ve all heard horror stories about untreated head lice. Leaving head lice untreated can have some serious consequences.  Health Implications Not treating head lice promptly can have many side effects beyond the itching.…

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Don’t Waste Your Pot of Gold on DIY Lice Treatments

Don’t Waste Your Pot of Gold on DIY Lice Treatments It’s the time of year for leprechauns, rainbows, and pots of gold! We’re all excited to hunt for our pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but make sure you spend it wisely. Don’t waste your pot of gold on head lice treatments…

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