Cleaning your Childs Bedroom After Head Lice

Cleaning Your Child’s Bedroom After Head Lice When you find out someone if your household has head lice it can be an overwhelming experience. Not only do you have to figure out how to treat the infestation but clean up after it. Knowing your children have had head lice can cause a whole new variety…

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What Blood Types Affect Lice the Most?

What Blood Types Affect Lice The Most? Head lice are little insects that mainly feed on human blood. In your home, you might have seen someone being infected by the lice while others are not. The only question that comes to mind during those situations is, do lice prefer a certain blood type? What Blood…

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Is it Dandruff or Lice?

Is it Dandruff or Lice? Having an itchy head is never a great feeling but thinking it’s head lice can make it even worse. Often unless dandruff has been a past problem, lice is one of the first concerns on our mind when our scalps begin to itch. Thinking you have head lice when it’s…

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